Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.So as long as the stock price in your hand is not lower than the third line, don't sell it. Basically, after a bull market, you can never sell it. If you can't resist the temptation, buy and sell. That's hard to say.
Resume chat:Everyone's expectations for today are too high, but the actual trend has not been achieved. In addition, many votes have come out of the form of falling back. Therefore, although the disk is ok, everyone feels that it is not very good. Those who make money are not open, and those who don't make money are even less open. However, in retrospect, this is better than the general decline of the market! In the final analysis, it is still a psychological effect. As long as you make money. Don't think so much.
I made money today after eating jiaozi last night. If I didn't eat, I may make money today. If you don't eat and make money, remember to eat next time. Do you think there is such a god? Of course it's a joke. If you really make money by eating jiaozi, the 200 million investors, it is estimated that jiaozi in the supermarket can't get it, and even the dumpling wrappers in the vegetable market can't be bought. That's good for Sanquan Food in the end.The strong pressure is around 3500;It is expected to open lower and go higher, and the bottom will rebound. More than 4 heads of power will stand firm at 3450 points.
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide
Strategy guide